1964, May 11
Pieper receives an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Munich
1968, April 16
Pieper receives the “Aquinas Medal” at the congress of the “American Catholic Philosophical Association” in New Orleans (USA)
1974, April 20
Pieper is appointed commander of the Papal Order of St. Gregorius
1974, June 20
Pieper receives an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Münster
1979, November 5
Pieper receives the “Paulusplakette” of the city of Münster
1980, August 3
Pieper receives the Premio Doxa from the Ateneo Filosofico (Mexico) at Kings College, London
1981, March 29
Romano Guardini Prize of the Catholic Academy in Munich
1982, February 26
International Balzan Prize
1985, November 25
Pieper receives an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Philosophy and Pedagogy of the University of Eichstätt
1987, November 5
Ingersoll Prize for academic prose (Chicago)
1987, December 9
National award of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf
1989, December 12
Presentation of the “Großes Goldenes Ehrenzeichen” of Austria by the Minister of Science and Research in Vienna
1990, September 30
Ring of honor of the Görres-Society
1990, November 20
Pieper receives an honorary doctorate (Human Letters) of the Catholic University of America, Washington D. C.